Saturday, September 14, 2013

Boggle in the Classroom

As you may be aware of, my classroom has a 'game' theme this year. The behavior clip chart is one that I created using a UNO theme. I have the SET game and the Boggle game on another magnetic bulletin board. I have two chess boards out and we are learning to play 'pawn chess' right now. I also have backgammon available during the day for follow on. So, as you can see we are working on games that enhance our vocabulary skills, thinking skills, and problem-solving skills.

On my magnetic bulletin board I have Boggle. My plan is to switch the letters each week and have the kids do Boggle as one of their extension activities. This will help with some word building skills. I put it up two weeks ago and just casually mentioned it as a follow on activity. This past week, I moved the letters to the board and we worked through it together. I had the kids focus on making three letter words to start off. We talked about how the letters connect and how to make words on the board. The kids did a fabulous job making three letter words. They even managed to find quite a few four letter words. I had a few find five letter words even. Not bad for our very first time doing the activity.

Pretty soon the kids were monitoring each other and explaining why the words would work or why they wouldn't work. I love it when they take over and I can just step back and watch and listen.

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